Ignition Gamers

The Meridian Package - All-inclusive digital marketing support

Leeha’s creativity and innovative approach have been invaluable in enhancing our business communication processes at www.ignitiongamers.com.au, streamlining interactions with clients. She’s more than just a copywirter, she’s a strategic thinker who consistently delivers outstanding results. Leeha’s contributions not only elevate our communication processes but also significantly boost our productivity as business owners, allowing us to concentrate on our core operations with confidence.
– Claire Golding | Co-Founder | Ignition Gamers

Ignition Gamers - The Meridian Digital Marketing Package
Ignition Gamers Logo


BEFORE (if available)

The Task

Ignition Gamers is a family-operated service for young autistic people who love to game! Based in Canberra, they’ve created a unique and energising program where game-loving young autistic individuals, and those with other hidden disabilities, can find the friendships, support and encouragement they deserve. But more than that, they’re helping them to develop the emotional, social and capacity-building skills they need to live (and, where possible, work) independently.

Our first project with Ignition Gamers was many (many) years ago, and over the years we’ve worked together on a variety of projects including brochure and website copywriting. Now, we’re proud to provide a range of services under our Meridian Digital Marketing Package. Since working together, Ignition Gamers has gone from minimal leads to being at capacity and having to add more sessions! We’re thrilled to have helped them achieve this new growth.

The task:

The Meridian Package includes:

Organic Social Media Management (mix of posts and reels)
1 x 800 to 100 word monthly SEO 0ptimised blog
Bonus 5 Hours of Digital Marketing Support (email marketing, lead magnet development, brochure creation, website updates).
Under this package, we also helped them migrate to a new CRM with workflows to make their business life easier and more automated.

how your

digital journey begins

step 1

consultation call

Let's start with a 30-minute phone call and chat about your project needs. It's the perfect opportunity to ask questions and work out if we're the right fit for your business.

step 2


Next step - proposal! We'll send you out a detailed proposal highlighting the services that we believe are best suited to your goals. Transparency is our thing, so you'll find all the info on inclusions and costs upfront.

step 3

let's go

Proposal accepted - and, we're thrilled! You'll complete our client onboarding questionnaire and once done - we'll book you in.This is your opportunity to share with us more about your business, services, ideal clients and design ideas.